make the text in the box using the html code

Every blogger, would design the appearance of their blogs as good as possible, because it is useful to attract visitors to your blog or visitors feel at home for long in our blog with an interesting article on that blog.
to make our posts more attractive, we can use colored text, bold text, text blinking effect, also a running text. and others....and in this post, we will make a text that was in the box,

copy paste the script below :

<div style="border:1px #2491FF   solid; padding:10px; ">this text in the box</div>

and, the result

this text in the box

note :
frame of the black box can be replaced with other colors,, to replace # 4800FF with html codes another color,, ..

and the background box can also be replaced, by adding background-color: # 000000; after 10px;

and we can change the frame box with a line-break puts, or point-point, by replacing the solid with "dashed or "dotted"

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